Gosh, it looks like there are more comments coming in than have in quite a while. Akismet thinks they’re all spam… and to be fair, I have to agree. You — the people who whined that I’d deleted your post, then proceeded to babble on about SEO (using the exact same paragraph) — yeah, there’s a reason Akismet and I put your post in the bit bucket. You others who all proclaim I have “nice info” and “great facts for bloggers” — yep, bit bucket for you, too… because it’s all about opinions and pretty pictures here. Also, if your comments don’t make sense or aren’t grammatically correct? Right. Now you’re beginning to understand!
Today, another pretty ink and embossing powder ACEO on3.5″ x 2.5″ watercolor paper.

Small Abstract No. 109 © Kelly Naylor 2010