This one fits in nicely with the Pirate theme I have running over on Blah Blah Blah. There’s the lookout, with his destructive eyesight and tiny voice, sitting up in the crow’s sty… and he sees land! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
Of course, the fact that the sky is yellow would make me flee as fast as my galaxy class starship could take me… I’m not sure I want to hang around on a planet with a yellow sky. I am creeped right the heck out.
And just as an FYI, people: I’m taking a week off from posting, as I’ll be at an artist workshop where any number of things could prevent me from posting… not the least of which is lack of internet connectivity. And so, to alleviate any and all stress that wold arise from said lack of internet connectivity, I will plan not to post. If I do find a connection, you can follow me on Twitter! (Watch for me anyway… I may make updates from my phone.)

Land Ahoy © Kelly Naylor 2008
I don’t know why, but my first thought was Jell-o. Something about the texture reminded me of the way my mom cut our Jell-o into cubes. Of course, we never had blue Jell-o.
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post… I Graciously Quote Other Bloggers so you don’t have to be
A Galaxy class star ship can do wrap 9 or so, right? You know, safely.
Have fun at your workshop.
I know what your problem is – Your looking at the image upside down.
It’s actually a wheat field like thingy with a very odd sky.
Your Welcome.
@JD… we didn’t do the Jell-o thing much except when grandma brought it over. And then there was all sorts of stuff in it. Most of it was good.
@Tina… I was an engineer before becoming a captain. I’m willing to go to warp 9.2, but not for days at a time. heh heh
@Beamer… I dunno. I think it’s even creepier your way.