Trick or treat
Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat!
Ok, you don’t have to smell my feet. Really. But I want the candy apples. And the caramel apples. And maybe some popcorn balls.
That’s not what the kiddies will be getting when they stop by this evening, though. It’s all about the little candies. I have three huge bags of Smarties… and bags of Skittles… and happy little chocolate candies like Snickers and Almond Joy and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Hershey Bars and M&Ms and a whole bunch of other stuff. The closer it gets to 8:00pm, the more candy they’re going to get. Because I do not need all this stuff in the house (not that I’d eat anything but the Smarties… but Mr. Aerten doesn’t need it either). Oh no. Leftovers go to the office… the Call Center has some pretty lame candy in the candy bowls lately. The students will appreciate the upgrade.
(Well, yeah… I’ll save a stash of Smarties for me. A small stash.)
What are you passing out to the kiddies… and what will you be hoarding for yourself?

Candy Apple © Kelly Naylor 2008
Your jaunty candy apple and merry description of your happy little candies are making me feel guilty. I’m the mean old lady on the block who turns out all her lights BUT only because we don’t get that many trick-or-treaters and the doorbell drives my poor cats crazy.
Soooo, I’ll just swing by your house around 8, OK?
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post… I Go to the Spa so you don’t have to
I’ll save a bag of chocolaty goodness for you!
We don’t celebrate Halloween, but I ceraintly celebrate the candy sales! yesterday I picked up some Reese’s and we’re going to make penaut butter ice cream with Reese’s chunks, and peppermint patty ice cream. YUM!
I’m personally verrrrryyy partial to chocolate, but I enjoy caramel, too. My grandmother used to make the best caramel. She waited until fall to do it becuase it’s drier then, and she’d get a good batch. She made turtles with it too….MMMMM!
laura’s last blog post… How to get a Round Tuit…
we give out a variety of candies, I try to bring kids in, our street is normally so quiet.
This year, we had tons of adorable little ones and went through all of our candy for the first time ever! YEA!
Debbie Lane’s last blog post… Happy Halloween!
@Laura… I love caramel!!! I can’t eat it, though. I’ll need false teeth first. Even then, I suspect caramel isn’t good for ’em.
@Debbie… The costumes were great this year. And the kids were just downright adorable! I’m gonna hate moving to the boonies again.