If you were landing on an alien planet in your shuttle craft, the trip down from the ship might look like this. You’d need a Trek-type shuttle craft, or maybe a BSG Raptor or Viper, because they have viewing ports (they wouldn’t be called ‘windows’, of course). What would be the point of descending through such an interesting atmosphere if you can’t see it?
On the other hand, all that drippiness might be kind of creepy… viewing ports might not be a bonus.
I love these colors and the drippy effect. I don’t know what it makes me think , but I love your description of an alien landing.
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post… I Am FORTUNEate so you don’t have to be
Your Images are getting bigger. Looks Nice. I think it ought to be just a tad oranger though.
Beamer’s last blog post… Little Anthony Again
@JD… I had a phase where drippy and splattery were part of every painting. I still like the effects, but not on EVERYTHING.
@Beamer… I just scanned some of them at a higher resolution so the full size ones can be bigger. And just for you, I’ll do up something incredibly ORANGE. Don’t hold your breath, though… I need to finish cleaning and rearranging the studio first.
So, there is a relationship between painting orange and having a refreshed studio?
Beamer’s last blog post… Little Anthony and the Imperials 4
No. There’s a relationship with painting ANYTHING and a refreshed studio. I will be lucky to find space to create anything for the upcoming Doodle Week.