Look at how the leaves are just flying off this poor little tree. Pretty soon it will be all naked and cold. Brrrr. But the colors are great, aren’t they?
I don’t have any trees on my property where I live now (lots of shrubbery, yes… but no actual trees). If I was the sort of person to be sad about missing out on all the fallen leaves, I would have no need to be sad here! My neighbors have plenty of trees to keep the entire neighborhood buried in fallen leaves all autumn!
This ACEO is for sale on Etsy. Wouldn’t this look great on your desk?

Trees © Kelly Naylor 2006
Great colors. I love autumn colors. It’s my favorite season. I’m not so fond of raking leaves, though. 🙂
haleyhughes’s last blog post… Wordless Wednesday: We haz popcicle
wow, i love this… i may be heading over to Etsy, to take another peek, if its still there.
caroline’s last blog post… Thanks
So far this is my favorite in the autumn series.
Monique’s last blog post… Hurricane Ike and You
This is absolutely beautiful as usual Aerten!
@haleyhughes Raking leaves is Mr. Aerten’s job. Not that he actually rakes them. He runs over them with the mower and mulches them. LOL
@caroline… Thank you for giving Trees a new home!
@Monique… That’s cool. By the end of the week, you’ll have changed your mind, though. hee hee hee
@fragileheart… Thank you, m’dear!