Ah, tis the season for candy corn… the delicious sugar-laden confection that makes my teeth hurt like the dickens! Hopefully, Little Hedgie’s teeth don’t have the same problem.
This ACEO is the last I have of this design. It’s currently for sale on Etsy, of course.
A bit of trivia about this card… I originally created 10 of these, most of which were exchanged with other people in ATC exchanges; several sold at craft fairs; and the penultimate card in this series sold almost exactly a year ago on Etsy.

Halloween Gift © Kelly Naylor 2006
Ooooh. this is perfect for my Halloween cards… I seriously do not feel like making them myself this year.
Monique’s last blog post… Driving And Crying Do Not Mix
I used this stamp to make Halloween cards a few years back. Big hit. Took all freakin’ day to make them, though. Sigh… I wish I had that much free time again.