Wordless Wednesday: Peace in the Clouds July 2, 2008 Kelly Textiles Peace in the Clouds © Kelly Naylor 2008 Share this:ShareFacebookTwitter
This is smashing! It’s so simple, yet so fuzzily warm and delightful… It reminds me of patchwork quilts and LUSH bubble baths.
Not sure what orange thing that red lady is kissing, but I really love this one.
StanHayess last blog post..Myers Smacked Down To Minors
@StanHayes — LOL! I see it. Although, perhaps she’s not kissing something, but breathing fire? But that wouldn’t be very peaceful, would it? Kissing is better.
Kelly, as usual, very nice work. Is this felting? How large is the original? Just curious.
haleyhughess last blog post..Loki immortalized!
Nice. Looks like soft cotton.
Beamers last blog post..Strange and Dark
this is one of the most beautiful wordless wednesdays i’ve seen! thank you!
isabella moris last blog post..open doors on a wordless wednesday
I totally don’t see what you’re seeing, Stan. But it makes me giddy that you found something I never even intended.
Yes, Haley, this is felting. It is way too much fun! The piece will turn out to be 8″ x 10″ once I get it attached to the backing board.