I have a friend who paints almost all her paintings with tempera paints. I think she’s even painting on newsprint. Talk about impermanent! (She does scan them and sell the prints, so I guess there’s some permanence in that.) Because she obviously enjoys the temperas, I thought I’d check them out and see what was so great about them. After all, I haven’t used them since… oh, maybe second grade.
Wow! They are so much fun to smear around with items other than brushes. Yeah, I was finger painting. Well, it was more like whole-hand painting. I did three paintings with the temperas.
(Mr. Aerten must think I’m completely insane.)
I may do more with this medium. I like the way the colors overlap and merge in a way I can’t quite achieve with acrylics. There’s some music I’ve been listening to that’s going to need this effect, I think.
But darn it… I really need to clean out my studio first.

Kokopelli Wind (c) Kelly Naylor 2008
What are tempras?
Educate the uneducated please 🙂
Claire’s last blog post… Frickin Evil captors revealed!
I like this one, it reminds me of a really warm summer sunset. =)
p.s. I too don’t know what tempras are
So tempras are those paints we used back in Kindergarten? I have memories of wearing a smock and holding a really big brush. Those colors did smear together quite nicely. Love the vibrant red and yellow, btw. 🙂
In this image the patterns almost look like cloth — like some really comfortable blanket.
Cromely’s last blog post… Book Review 30: Compelling Hollywood mystery
I didn’t know about tempras either but I really like the painting ~ it’s very rich..
Cats’s last blog post… Wildlife Direct
It’s purty.
Whole hand painting, eh?
Sounds like a good time.
Beamer’s last blog post… A mound Juniper
What are temperas… see Saturday’s post. 🙂
@Haley… Yep, these probably are the same things you used in kindergarten. Well, except that I bought the expensive ones, and schools usually use the cheaper ones. The more pigment the paints contain, the more they’re going to cost.
@Cromley… OMG! I think my husband even had a blanket that looked like this when I met him. It finally fell apart a few years ago, poor thing.
@Beamer… purty, and good therapy, too. LOL