I have put two of the recent Doodle Week doodles into my Etsy shop: Hands and Outer Space. Hurry, Monique, before someone beats you to them! LOL
And while the rest of you are over there, check out all my other very cool artwork. It’s not too early to start shopping for the holidays, you know. People like artwork… especially your moms and significant others and siblings and grandparents and random neighbors. Oh, and don’t forget your mail carriers!
Well, yeah, but the weird thing is, how do you deliver a package to the mail carrier? I mean, if you put it in the box they might try to deliver it, and the slippery buggers drive by so fast it’s impossible to put it in their hands.
Mike’s last blog post… Interview – Boiled In Lead – 7.18.08
@Mike… my mail carrier picks up packages right from my mailbox. So when I want to leave a little something for her, I just stick it in there with her name on it. If you don’t live in a place where mail carriers will collect mail from your box, then give the gift to the UPS guy instead.
oooh, I’m going to go visit your shop as soon as I get done with my To Do list.
Monique’s last blog post… Why Must You Make Me Be Mean?
Hurry, hurry girlfriend! You don’t want somebody to beat you to it. 🙂
Our mail carriers are so spaced out I doubt they would even notice a note with their name on it. We have to switch out mail with our neighbors about once a week it seems like these days. Up the hill to deliver to one neighbor and down the hill to receive from the other. Apparently nobody told them what all those funny numbers on the side of the boxes are for.
No nice gifts for YOUR mail carriers! My regular one is good… the substitutes are kind of like yours.
But Bonnie needs one. 🙂
Eh, she’s not a girl, she’s just a sister. She gets nothing but misery from me, and I assume she feels the same way. 🙂
Mike, Mike, Mike… I get the feeling you’re just trying to find reasons not to buy fabulous Kelly Art. Maybe you need to be good to yourself… and just buy it for YOU. heh heh