I think I was watching something on the History Channel when I doodled these. I’m not sure what’s going on with the first one, but the other two remind me of fingerprints.

Doodle 17 © Kelly Naylor 2008

Doodle 18 © Kelly Naylor 2008

Doodle 20 © Kelly Naylor 2008
They make me think of time travel. Or even hypnosis–you are getting sleepy….
I tagged you for a meme on my blog–no obligation on your part though: http://luckygirltrading.blogspot.com/2008/05/tag-im-it-seven-random-facts-and-12.html
LuckyGirl’s last blog post..Tag, I’m It: Seven Random Facts and 12 Great Blogs
They remind me of time travel. Or hypnosis_ you are getting sleepy, very sleepy….
I tagged you for a meme on my blog–no obligation on your part though.
LuckyGirl’s last blog post..Tag, I’m It: Seven Random Facts and 12 Great Blogs
I put a direct post and link on my blog if you would like to comment on how I did it , and even more important is when if you could leave me a small description behind about how do you want it to be read, and maybe give your opinion about my fathers blog anywhere with a comment, I would really appreciate this.
hayo haitsma’s last blog post..Bird,Vogel