Today’s doodle theme is monster.
This is a monster! I’m sure there’s a science fiction author out there who’s written about this thing. Maybe it was Larry Niven. If he didn’t, then he certainly should have.

Doodle 2 © Kelly Naylor 2008
Today’s doodle theme is monster.
This is a monster! I’m sure there’s a science fiction author out there who’s written about this thing. Maybe it was Larry Niven. If he didn’t, then he certainly should have.
Doodle 2 © Kelly Naylor 2008
My impression of it is that it looks like four tentacles reaching out from an impossibly distant monster.
Gah! With thinking like that, it becomes an even scarier monster! LOL It’s big enough to suck up a planet in one of it’s vacuum tentacles, so it could eat a solar system in minutes. I don’t think anyone wrote that story. Well, Enterprise kind of addressed it. Hmmm.
Sucking tentacles, definitely. With some Cat-in-the-Hat stylin’ going on. OMG, what could be attached to those tentacles?
haleyhughes’s last blog post..Doodle Monster!
If we’re going Seussian, it’s something infinitesimally small… probably even smaller than a Who. And that would make the whole thing much less scary, and proportionately more bizarre.
I am seeing whirling vortexes of doom or just weird funnel things, all of which are scary
Claire’s last blog post..Doodle Animal!
Looks like one of our cat toys!
@Claire… if it’s any consolation, the original just looks silly, and therefore fun.
@Kimo & Sabi… I think my cats have a toy like that, too. Or had… it’s probably under the refrigerator where most of their cat toys wind up.