I don’t do well with themes, since pretty much everything I do is seriously random. But if I was going to pick one of my doodles to fit in the “Me” theme, it would be this one. Rainbows!! I’m all about rainbows. Bonus… this is also a BSG-inspired doodle, and we all know how much I love that show.

Doodle 23 © Kelly Naylor 2008
Rainbows always make me smile. Rainbows and suns are about the extent of my artistic abilities. I love the doodle!
beeker’s last blog post..Going to the Baseball Hall of Fame
I like this v much. It reminds me of a rubics tangle thing I had as a kid. I never could complete that puzzle. This doodle looks like one of the pieces. Well sort of anyway, enough to trigger the memory!
I have one I did in a meeting this morning that shows me fighting with a combined ninja/pirate army. I’d love to share it but sadly my scanner is kaput. You can use your imagination + a dash of awesome and you’ll be in the right neighbourhood. I (heart) doodles! All the best.
It looks like your “Kelly Naylor Rainbow Collection” is developing nicely.
I love the doodle, and I think it fits the “You” theme nicely, because if you had an aura, this is how I imagine it would look.
Happy Doodling!
haleyhughes’s last blog post..Doodle Me!
Well its almost an A for Aerten so I will let you off! 🙂
I love it, how the bloody hell can you colour in so neatly?
Claire’s last blog post..Doodle Week has started with Doodle You!
Day 1 was a rousing success!! Three cheers for Claire and Laura!
@beeker… go doodle up some rainbows! You can never have enough of them!
@Caroline… I had one of those Rubiks Tangle things, too. Never could figure it out.
@Canucklehead… you need to find a scanner.
@Haley… I’ll have a ginormous Rainbow Collection by year’s end!
@Claire… I’m anal-retentive. And coloring was always my favorite thing to do as a kid.
Hey. I’m in on this Doodleweek thing.
@”Tony”… Most excellent! I look forward to seeing some of your doodles. (What say we doodle on Perry’s wall instead of bringing in artwork? That will make him crazy, no?)