Max was my daughter’s dog. He was born the same year she was, and came to live with us when they were both 5 years old. He lived to be 15, which apparently is a really long life for a Sheltie. And up until the last week or so, he still thought he was a puppy.
While he was still with us, it used to crack my daughter up with I would do crazy Photoshop things to his pictures. (Personally, I think the Photoshopped wackiness with the cats was even more hysterical, but that’s just me.) I like this particular manipulation because it’s calm. And Max wasn’t generally calm. The juxtaposition pleases me.
I’m not a dog person like Bev. Dogs have too much energy. They wear me out. I love other people’s dogs, though. I don’t even mind them coming by for a visit. But I’m going to save my energy for other things and just live with cats. (Unless my husband brings a dog home. Then I get to have a snake!! <evil cackle>)
Still, I do rather miss old Max. He was a really good dog.

Tao of Max © Kelly Naylor 2006
I’m so sorry for your loss of Max. I love shelties. I have collies, and have some friends with shelties. I love them too.
Cynthia Blue’s last blog post..Tatum Went for a Visit
I’m sorry you lost Max. They just don’t live long enough, it seems.
Margaret’s last blog post..Whole Lotta Shakin? Goin? On at EntreCard
Thanks. Despite the fact that he had a tendency to drive me crazy, he was a really good guy. My daughter misses him still, and he’s been gone for nearly 4 years.
Great, now you reminded me of my past doggies. -_-
When I was still young, in primary school, can’t remember exactly what age, but I think I was like 9 years old when Mum called some people to come and take Shandy away, she was like 13 years old that time, a year elder than my elder brother (elder brother was 3 years elder than me).
Back then, I do not understand why Mum had folks came and took Shandy away, but after I grew up to be a little bigger, I think I understand now.
Deimos Tel`Arin’s last blog post..The Never Ending Blog – Gary Gigax Tribute: Sword of the Three Souls – Page 3
@Deimos… our pets never really leave us, do they? Even though we grow up and grow old, the dogs and cats and hamsters and gerbils and rabbits and whatnot stay with us in our memories. And maybe they’ll be waiting for us when we cross to whatever is on the other side of this life, aye?