…and taste like cloves. But I suspect most people would think of chocolate when considering the color brown, so here I present an encaustic painting titled (strangely enough), Chocolate!
And here’s what several chocoholics have said: “I’d buy it, but it would make me so hungry!” I totally get that, and I don’t even like chocolate. See? Another random and interesting fact about yours truly.

Chocolate © Kelly Naylor 2007
That is very cool, before I even read the post, I though “ohh chocolate”, plus I’m having a deep craving for chocolate, my study comfort food.
Ada’s last blog post..Stork fever….
Yum! I bought some of those Skinny Cow ice cream things when I picked up groceries today.
Laura’s last blog post..Once Upon a Borg
Ooooh…that does look good. What’s it from? I’m thinking chocolate icing on a cake.
Dang….this means I’m going to have to bake today.
Bad Aerten!
Ahhh! Everyone’s out snacking on chocolate! Hey, does anyone have any black jelly beans for me? Seriously. They’re my favorites.
@Jodith… it’s a painting, done with wax. Pretty cool, huh?