Another fun fractal! This one reminds me of a nautilus shell, which puts me in mind of all the reading I’ve been doing about mandalas and circles and labyrinths and spirals. And that reminds me that I’d better get this paper finished! It’s due in less than a week!
You can click on the image to see a slightly larger version. You can see an even larger version on ImageKind.

Nautilus Lightning © Kelly Naylor 2008
This is so beautiful! Thanks so sharing this fractal.
Erica’s last blog post..The Surprise! Baby Club
Hi Thank you for replying my entrecard drops. I’m sure you give importance to reply your inbox drop as some of my friends do. I am collecting a list of serious reply droppers now and I have added you in this list. You can find your site in my Serious Return Droppers list. I visit all the sites in this list almost everyday plus some of my visitors visits too. We all have the same idea of getting return drop cards. Hope that you can blogroll my site back in from your blog too.
Thank you,
Reena’s last blog post..Have You Check ALEXA TODAY?
@Erica… Thank you and you’re welcome! You’ll find more fractals scattered around here.
@Reena… Thanks for adding me to your list.
Just a bit of a housekeeping note for everyone… don’t put links in your comments, please. I have CommentLuv here, and that ought to be enough, don’t you think? I’ll remove your links. If you persist, I’ll tell Akismet that you’re spam. I like to keep things tidy. Ok? Ok!
Carry on!
What a cool image! It has so much depth. The swirl sucks your eyes right in. I like the vibrant colors, too.
Good luck getting that paper written!
haleyhughes’s last blog post..Life: Where no eardrums were damaged, I think
I like all of your art, but this one is especially cool, I think. Thanks for sharing.
@Haley… fractals do that. They just suck you right in. As for the paper, I’ve got four paragraphs and the bibliography written. Only 14 pages to go. LOL
@Max… glad you like it! And thank you for being so nice when you visit. 🙂
That’s pretty unique. It seems like I’ve been seeing more and more fractal art lately.
book_it’s last blog post..Panic Priorities Askew?
@book_it… I think fractals are getting more popular because they’re becoming easier to create. There are more software programs available (some of them are even free!), and they’re getting easier and easier to use. You don’t have to be a math genius anymore. I’ve got nothing against math — it is, in fact, a wonderful subject — but when I’m creating art I don’t want to have to think so hard.