I’ve done it! I have achieved the milestone of living on this planet for 50 years. Woo hoo! That means I get to wear purple with a red hat! Of course, I wear purple a lot anyway because it’s my favorite color. And I don’t often wear hats (except in the winter to keep me warm), but now I have a couple of red ones. The synchronicity continues… remember when I said days have color? Well Mondays are red.
AARP has been sending me their brochures for 15 years. Now I can join. If I wanted to, which I’m not entirely certain I do. In all these 15 years, I haven’t bothered to actually read the stuff they’ve sent me.
A couple of my friends mentioned last week that we should start our own Red Hat Ladies Society chapter. Fun idea, but who has time for that??
Look who shares my birthday: Billie Holliday, Janis Ian, Jackie Chan and Russell Crowe. (Yes, I know. There are others. These are the ones I think are coolest.)
And last… because I’m a complete geek… a picture of my favorite red hat. π
Happy birthday! I hope you have a very wonderful day.
Daisy the Curly Cat’s last blog post..Monday Mystery: Who’s Your Mommie?
Happy Birthday!
caroline’s last blog post..New cozy added to the family
Happy, Happy Birthday!
Why does AARP do that? Can’t they wait…
Lisa’s last blog post..Getting Older, Multi-Tasking & My Living Will
Happy Birthday … and many more!
Francis Scudellari’s last blog post..In-significance … musing
Happy Birthday. Hope it’s a great one
Suzanne’s last blog post..Penis Enlargement Nightmare
Hello, thanks for your comment. Your blog looks interesting, well outside my engineering comfort zone. Good.
Thriftcriminal’s last blog post..Lynch moment
Happy Birthday Miss Kelly….and an important milestone it is…many more healthy, joyous and creative days…
amy lilley’s last blog post..Handbook to Handmade, Vol. 6
Happy Birthday! And here’s wishing you many more happy birthdays to come.
I hear there’s some nice discounts to be had through AARP; otherwise, I’m not sure of the benefits. I haven’t read a brochure since I received one when I turned 30. Fortunately, I haven’t received one in the years since. I’m probably due.
Also, thanks for spreading your birthday love around. Much appreciated. π
haleyhughes’s last blog post..Life: Angie, I hardly know you
Happy birthday! 50’s a piece of cake. Wait till you file your Social Security application!
Bev’s last blog post..Technological Quagmire
Happy Birthday yo!
W00t! Same birth date with some cool super stars yo!
Deimos Tel`Arin’s last blog post..Buy Beer Stocks – Get Free Traffic – Buy from Deimos’s Beer Stock Affiliate and get various freebies
Happy Birthday!!!
π π π
Claire’s last blog post..1000 Photos! (plus some more)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish you many more and may your red hats all have a purple feather π
TripTheLady’s last blog post..What causes waves
Thanks, everyone! I’ve had a really nice day. Not any work to speak of, so I had time for dropping and reading blogs while at the office. A couple of coworkers took me out to lunch. My boss bought a cake. I can’t eat cake, but it was a nice gesture and everyone else in the office sure enjoyed it! My chorus sang their special rendition of the Birthday Song (different from the one you generally hear). Hubby is going to take me to dinner and the new Jackie Chan movie when it comes out next week. (He thought it was auspicious that Jackie and I share a birthday. Of course, I’d go see it even if we didn’t share a birthday.)
@Thriftcriminal… engineering and art go together very well! Welcome!
@Bev… I do not fear SS applications! Bah! I laugh in the face of government forms! LOL I’m going to enjoy the 50s, and in 8 or 9 years, I’ll start getting excited about 60.
@Deimos… My daughter talks like that too. She can’t stand it when I talk the talk, yo. Word!
You guys are all great! Thanks for giving me a whole lot of smiles today!
Happy Bday!!
+ Congrats on the Purple n Red Hats!!
BillyWarhol’s last blog post..Andy Warhol @ The Drake Hotel*
Hey, happy birthday! π
Ben Barden’s last blog post..How long is your home page?
Ditto. You’re still to young for me though. Sigh.
Yummy Biscuits’s last blog post..Yummy is displeased with the bushwacker again
I have baked a cake for little Kelly. Want some candy, too, little girl? Happy birthday favorite one.
Max has a little problem, so it’s all sugar-free, btw. π
Thanks, guys!
@Max… it’s not the sugar in cake that I need to avoid (although avoiding sugar is a good thing). I don’t eat dairy products, and cakes all seem to have eggs in them.
And no, keep your candy to yourself! LOL
Dairy products? Eggs? What–cow eggs? π
Never mind. I understand.