Happy Birthday, Kelly!

I’ve done it! I have achieved the milestone of living on this planet for 50 years. Woo hoo! That means I get to wear purple with a red hat! Of course, I wear purple a lot anyway because it’s my favorite color. And I don’t often wear hats (except in the winter to keep me warm), but now I have a couple of red ones. The synchronicity continues… remember when I said days have color? Well Mondays are red.

AARP has been sending me their brochures for 15 years. Now I can join. If I wanted to, which I’m not entirely certain I do. In all these 15 years, I haven’t bothered to actually read the stuff they’ve sent me.

A couple of my friends mentioned last week that we should start our own Red Hat Ladies Society chapter. Fun idea, but who has time for that??

Look who shares my birthday: Billie Holliday, Janis Ian, Jackie Chan and Russell Crowe. (Yes, I know. There are others. These are the ones I think are coolest.)

And last… because I’m a complete geek… a picture of my favorite red hat. πŸ™‚

RedHat Linux