Here’s another one where I was just playing around, trying to see what sorts of things the paints would do if I put a little water here first, less there, none over here, practically soak the paper over here. I don’t think about this stuff. Really. I’m just playing around and goofing off.
I was a serious child. I’m making up for it now.
This is my new favorite. I thought the other one was, but Amazon Jungle is now my favorite. It’ll probably change tomorrow. I’m so indecisive.
Sanctity of Life’s last blog post..♥Mary McCarthy♥
LOL! Go ahead, be indecisive! I’ll have company in that state of mind. Glad you like it!
This just reminds me of how I feel right now
BadEvan’s last blog post..Obama, I’m Not In Favor of Gay Marriage
You should do an abstract BSG painting for me and G Momma!
BadEvan’s last blog post..BadEvan Needs Your Help
@Evan… ok, that’s just weird. I was just thinking last night that I needed to do some BSG-inspired art. I’ve done Stargate and X-Files… it only makes sense. You must be psychic!