Most of the time, I have fun naming my paintings. With encaustics and watercolors, I generally paint a dozen or more on one of my manic painting days. Acrylics take more time, but that’s only because the darn paint doesn’t dry in a minute. (Instant gratification, lack of patience… you see why I tend to avoid oils?) I wind up with this stack of nameless paintings.
I’ve never personally liked calling something Untitled. For me, it seems like… oh, I don’t know… lazy. But that’s just me! If other people want to call their paintings Untitled, I’m completely fine with that.
So I have these paintings. They’re all abstracts, so they could be anything. And depending on my mood, I might see anything there. Songs. Figures from Greco-Roman mythology. Ordinary stuff. Weird stuff. Like the picture in this post… I see different things. But the very first thing I saw were Pod People. Yes! Invasion of the Body Snatchers! Oh wait. That might be just a little too weird. Ok, I’ll shorten it to Invasion.
But sometimes the task of naming paintings becomes daunting… like when I have 80+ ACEOs to name, or a stack of abstract doodles. Then I think, bugger this for a game of soldiers! (I learned that term from Max over on BritishSpeak. Very clever talk going on over there, by the way.)
And the point of all this (yes, there was a point) is that the current series of watercolors on Etsy are titled Large Abstract <number>. In case you were wondering about that.

Invasion © Kelly Naylor 2007
Ha ha! Kinda funny, I posted about something similar just a few days ago. This naming jazz can be serious business sometimes!
Mark’s last blog post..Monochrome Birds and Lightroom Presets
The nice thing about abstract art, is that you can interpret the image in many ways. It seems to me that if you’re too specific with a title, you can lead a viewer in a certain direction. So maybe it’s better sometimes to be “lazy” and call it “Untitled” or “Abstract in Green No. 36”. At least, that sounds like a good excuse to me. 🙂
haleyhughes’s last blog post..Life: Greetings from Breckenridge
@Mark… it’s funny, this naming thing. And it must be something that’s in the air, because a number of people — online and off — have made mention of this very topic. I’m almost ready to cue the theme to the Twilight Zone.
@Haley… no one’s ever asked me how I came up with any of my titles, and I think that’s interesting. I’d think somebody would say, “Huh?? Why would you call that painting Little House on the Prairie?” But you have an interesting point. Perhaps I’ll just be lazy on future paintings! LOL
Now are you sure its clever talk going on at British Speak? 🙂
I would definitely struggle picking names for paintings, off to have a look at yours 🙂
Claire’s last blog post..Lazy arse post again: News!
@Claire… ok, only SOME of it’s clever. The rest of it’s just strange. LOL
LOL! that is very very true.
Only my bit is clever, right? 🙂
Claire’s last blog post..Another devilish view
Oh, your bits are very clever. I’m sure we all know that it’s Max’s bits that are rather strange. 😉
Kelly’s last blog post..April Etsy Specials
I have the same issue with my photos. Sometimes it stresses me out to come up with a clever but cliche name. I know a prolific photographer who sources all her titles from the newspaper, usually from the real estate section. It works very well for her and makes you scratch your head sometimes about the title and connection to the image!
dale’s last blog post..It’s Earth Hour at Our Home Every Night!
@dale… the real estate section, huh? Hmmm… that would certainly create some interesting painting titles! I may try that for the next round. LOL