I’ve just added an Etsy widget over on the right. It will show the items I’ve marked as ‘Favorites’ (which I change once a week), plus the seven latest items in the shop. So… it will be different every day!
Now go buy some art, already!
I’ve just added an Etsy widget over on the right. It will show the items I’ve marked as ‘Favorites’ (which I change once a week), plus the seven latest items in the shop. So… it will be different every day!
Now go buy some art, already!
Just thought I let you know that I love the bright and clear colours of your art. I bought some paintings of local Malaysian artists over 15 years but since then have not collected anymore due to limited finance. But I still love viewing paintings as they do make you feel good sometimes…
Hi Kiwi… Come check out my art any time! I always hope that people see the emotions I’ve been painting in my art, and they’re pretty much all meant to evoke happiness or peace or contentment.
Hi Aerten,
That’s a very strong motivation to create art you mentioned in your profile, “the short life of my daughter Mackenzie”. I’m sorry.
This is probably one of the strongest reasons why you can’t “Not Create Art”. It’s therapy and it heals. Besides it provides relief to other people who see it and realize that there exists a class of people who create a different world. A perspective of serenity and beauty that are detached from the mess of reality that embody daily existence.
I breezed by your site earlier but I intended to return, because I was intrigued by your having to keep your art a secret? Does this not hinder or limit your freedom to express? Just a thought.
I’ll be around a little more frequently since it is the kind of art I find peace with. Thanks. __Durano, done!
Yes, welcome to Entrecard. I signed up a few weeks ago, and I’m completely addicted. Also as Alan pointed out it’s a great way to meet new bloggers. I’ve met many new bloggers, and discovered some great sites- like yours for example, I love it. I love what you said about having to create art– that’s how I feel about writing. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work, and will definitely return to visit. Nice to meet you, and have a great week-end~ :))
Hi Durano,
Art is definitely therapy! In fact, pretty much from the beginning of my artist journey I recognized it as such. I have art, my husband has World of Warcraft. (And every time I have that particular though, giggles and laughter bubble up, so all is good.)
I’m not keeping my art secret! 🙂 Oh, goodness, no! I take my art to work (well, pretty much everywhere) with me, and even sold it to coworkers at my last job. No, I just have a “secret identity” as a computer programmer so I can pay the bills until I become a rich and famous artist.
Welcome to my world!
Welcome! I love how I’m meeting all kinds of new people because of EntreCard. Of course, I’ve subscribed to so many more blogs that my Google reader is very, very busy these days! I will never be bored again!