Thanks to all my friends at CPS who recycle their rehearsal CDs, I have hundreds of CDs that can’t be used for much of anything. Oh, and all those AOL CDs that I’m still getting in the mail? Yes, they’re piling up in a box, too. This particular one-of-a-kind treasure is probably the best thing I’ve done so far with the CDs. I have some other interesting ideas, but the execution is turning out to be trickier than I’d anticipated. However, I think I’ve almost licked the problem with the wall hanging I’m working on.
I’ve also got some jewelry I’ve made from cut-up CDs. That’s a trick I don’t recommend for everyone… cutting CDs can be dangerous business. The scissors I use are seriously vicious, and I’ve managed to inadvertently shed more than a few drops of blood from nipping fingers. Then the CD pieces themselves can cut you pretty good until you’ve sanded them down (or, in my case, just coat them with a few layers of UTEE).
More pics will be forthcoming when I dig the jewelry pieces out of whichever box they’re in and complete more of the pieces I’m working on.

CD Art © Kelly Naylor 2007