No updates recently because I’ve been concentrating on getting a new J.O.B. instead of art. The whole job-hunting thing has been much less stressful than it’s ever been in the past. I owe this to the fact that I decided at the outset that (1) I was going to have fun with it and (2) the perfect job for me, where I am right now in my life, would show up. So I’ve sent my resume out to several dozen places and have already been on a dozen interviews, with three more in the offing as I write this. I’ve had one job offer, and two more will likely materialize in the next week or so. I’ve found the perfect place to work… just waiting for them to dot their Is and cross their Ts so the official job offer can be extended.
Life is good.
Now about this piece. It’s tempra on Bristol paper, a new and interesting addition to my repertoire. The problem with this piece is that some of the paints (ok, most of them) are neon colors… and neon does not scan well. I couldn’t get the colors anywhere near accurate on my home scanner (an Epson) but I had a little better luck on the office scanner (an HP). Since I’ll be leaving the office scanner behind in a couple of weeks, I’ll either need to get a new scanner or refrain from using neon paints. That’s a no-brainer… I’ll be shopping around for a new scanner as soon as I have a few more bills paid off.

Dance of the Butterflies © Kelly Naylor 2007
Wish you all the best for your new job. You have some really great art here.